
(ENG) IMPact Foundation promuove e sostiene iniziative che abbiano un impatto concreto e misurabile sugli individui e sulla collettività. Il lavoro di IMPact Foundation si concentra in Italia e in Africa, attraverso interventi di contrasto alla disoccupazione e interventi socio-sanitari.

Current activities

RBF project for the neonatology department

Client: Fondazione Dr. Ambrosoli Memorial Hospital

Contribution: minimum amount € 268.032 - maximum amount € 317.160

After supporting Dr. Ambrosoli Memorial Hospital in Kalongo, Uganda, for three years, IMPact Foundation continues its commitment in a long-term and increasingly result-oriented perspective. Since January 2022 it has been supporting the neonatology department through an RBF – Result Based Financing – project. The goal is to strengthen the department by improving the quality of services provided and ensuring increased retention of the unit’s medical staff.

For this reason, it was chosen to adopt an RBF approach, which aims to ensure transparency and create a greater sense of ownership and accountability, as funds are disbursed based on the achievement of results that are verified through previously established indicators, according to the following model…

Completed activities

Overheads support

Client: Medici Senza Frontiere

Contribution: € 357.349*

Médecins Sans Frontières, founded in 1971, intervenes in humanitarian emergencies with several medical activities: running hospitals, clinics and nutrition centres, performing war and routine surgery, fighting epidemics, and providing psychological support to victims of trauma and war…

Support for Dr. Ambrosoli Memorial Hospital’s overhead expenses

Client: Fondazione Dr. Ambrosoli Memorial Hospital

Contribution: € 300.000

Dr. Ambrosoli Memorial Hospital in Kalongo, northern Uganda, was founded in 1957 by Father Giuseppe Ambrosoli, a Comboni missionary and surgeon.
DAMHK is a district referral hospital with a capacity of 286 beds divided into 5 wards (Surgery, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Paediatrics, Internal Medicine, Tuberculosis), an antenatal and postnatal clinic, an A&E department, and dedicated outpatient clinics for the treatment of HIV, Hepatitis B and other diseases…